Help Us Change the Narrative
Your donation goes directly to supporting the production of Season II of the One In Four Podcast, which is being created in partnership with Community Family Life Services and Americorps Public Allies. Through this partnership, we have trained members of the CFLS Speakers Bureau and other returning citizens in reporting and interviewing skills. Your contribution goes toward their fair compensation, production costs such as sound editing and subscription services, and post-production.
This partnership offers a unique paid professional development opportunity for returning citizens, while sharing critical stories about vulnerable members of our society.
Season II will fill a systemic gap of underreported issues related to reentry and the COVID-19 pandemic. Together, we will document what it is like to go from incarceration to freedom under a societal lockdown—possibly without family support, housing, or a job. Episodes will cover everything from technology access to how surviving solitary confinement informs a person’s perspective on social distancing. We want to shed light on these issues through a variety of voices: people coming out of prisons or jails, local activists, probation and parole officers, and officials. These are stories of resilience.
We sincerely thank you for your support.